So much for that…

Food trucks don’t steal business from local eateries. They draw new customers to town and encourage everyone to up their game by innovating. Competition is good for everyone.

Amazing, how good ideas are so quickly snuffed out in Hudson. I liked Peter Ratcliffe’s post about taco trucks, chuck wagons, canteen-mobiles, whatever you want to call them. Sure, there’d be problems, but what can you expect in a town where thinking outside the box is grounds for suspicion?

Rod Hodgson notes that food trucks are illegal in Hudson. So are granny suites, glare-y floodlights, bikes without licences, dogs off the leash, solar panels, spitting in public and using shipping containers for storage. Feel free to add to my list of useless, unenforced bylaws. I see it as a citizen’s job to blow the whistle on stupidity.

Hudson’s SDC has a problem with food trucks. We won’t digress into a discussion of the legality of this organization’s right to exist, let alone spend taxpayer’s dollars without accountability or transparency. I’ll confine myself to saying Hudson’s beleaguered commercial sector has no need for self-appointed, unaccountable sheriffs and enforcers of who can do what.

Back to food trucks. Why is it that someone can sell prepared food at the Hudson Farmer’s Market or any number of other public events but not at Jack Layton Park? Because the town says so? As good a reason as any to challenge the status quo, I say.

Here’s a suggestion: Ask local restaurant owners what they think. That should take half an hour at most. Ask them if they’d be interested in going mobile and whether they have any suggestions.

By the way, I have one. Rather than blowing a pile on fireworks and all the other fake frivolity at this year’s Canada Day  150th, Hudson should think of co-hosting home-and-home street fairs with our First Nations brothers and sisters across the river. A lot of them have Hudson roots and it would be interesting and fun.

Trust me when I say the Mohawks will have no legal problems with food wagons on either side of their river.





3 thoughts on “So much for that…

  1. Did you know that in Portugal you can literally stand in front of your house with a barbecue and sell food anytime that you like? I used to buy grilled chicken from an old lady on the corner, her spice game was awesome.

    Yet somehow despite this flotilla of small business Huns, restaurants remained viable.

    In a case like this however I believe that the Portuguese people have already evolved beyond the “Me” game and realized that whatever brings in people brings those people. And that Old Lady on the corner? She probably brought more tourists just by word of mouth than the best fine dining experience ever would.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wonderful country. Beautiful throughout, incredible food, excellent cheap wine and the best port never makes it into a bottle, let alone leave the country. Our friends are there this winter. I wish I was walking the seasick sidewalks again, away from all this.


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